Thursday, July 5, 2018

Reviewing my work

Making my blog ready for Assessment by my Peers

Health and Safety

The Health And Safety At Work Act
Fire safety
Having two fir alarms one for saying there is a fire in the building and the other for if the fire is in your area.

First Aid
There has to be a First aid kit on every floor. If an accident happens it has to be reported no matter how small of an injury

Electrical safety
Every room have there wires in these covers across the wall.

Every room has to have access to a light source. 

The set temperature have to between 17-24 degrees  

Every room has to have a ventilation system or windows for air ventilation

Working hours
A person cant work more than 4 hours without a break and someone working with a computer have to have a 15 minutes after working 45 minutes

Computer misuse Act:
Personal identity theft from a hacker can steal your passwords, emails, and personal info

Screen Display Act
A person isn't allowed to work more than an hour be hide a computer screen once someone has worked for an hour the have to take an 15 minutes break

 copyright is something that  stops people from stealing your content most web pages have warnings at the bottom of the page:

Animated Gifs

To get these into the blog I saved them onto the computer and uploaded them with the picture button
A image that is made into a gif has to have at least 12 frames per second. in the UK professional animation 25 frames per second. In the US its 30 frames per second. and there has to be a https.

The GIF I made
The way I made it was by save different images that have been edited 
Then went onto a website called 

the finished GIF

Embedding Audio

Embedded Video

I used the insert video button which looks like a clipper broad

Digital Photography

Took theses pics on the first week

Digital Graphics in My Blog
I got it from google
I got it from the link and uploaded it

This image I photoshoped 
An image I took 
A hyper link to an image

A image I've photoshop

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What to Consider when making a blog post

3 different thing
When making a blog you need to consider weather it looks professional.
Make sure the information you have on your blog is accurate and true and made sure it's still relevant.
Make sure the facts visible.
No dead links.

Examples of a non-professional Blog
An examples of a non-professional blogs:
  • is an example as they never finished it
  • is not professional as  

Examples of a blog is to have info
  • this is a good blog as it is full of information.
  • has a good amount of info the links are also still up and not dead

Monday, July 2, 2018

Purposes of Blogs

The three main reasons of blogs
1.News is one main reason of some blogs
It's main reason was to make fake new articals
the reason for this blog is to pirate Games like Rainbow Six Seige

the point of this blog is to permote the banded of chocolet

the purpose of my blog is to show off my creative media skills

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Research into other blogs showing different types of multimedia and interactivity


Multimedia used

Looking at these blogs has gave me an idea for my own blog.

in these examples the interactivities used are: 
  • mouse click - once u click it move the image a bit 
  • hyper links - a link to another website or URL  
  • cursor/mouse control - click and drag to move an interactive image 
the way this is written is in HTML 

Reviewing my work