Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What to Consider when making a blog post

3 different thing
When making a blog you need to consider weather it looks professional.
Make sure the information you have on your blog is accurate and true and made sure it's still relevant.
Make sure the facts visible.
No dead links.

Examples of a non-professional Blog
An examples of a non-professional blogs:
  • https://myunprofessionalblog.blogspot.com/ is an example as they never finished it
  • http://ultimategamesquare.blogspot.com/ is not professional as  

Examples of a blog is to have info
  • http://newsentrepreneurs.blogspot.com/ this is a good blog as it is full of information.
  • http://worlddefencenews.blogspot.com/ has a good amount of info the links are also still up and not dead


  1. You have started well and shown research. To complete what is required for your first assignment, you need to say how research into different blogs has helped you decide on what your own blog could look like; to complete the section on what to consider when making a blog post with extra detail and examples.

  2. Well done Matthew - all parts of this first assignment are now fully complete.


Reviewing my work